Worn By: Bolora

You know when you meet someone for the first time and think to yourself "woah - this girl is amazing!"? Well that was the feeling I had when I first met Bolora. Not only is she endlessly cool, but she's one of the sweetest friends I've made in my last 3 years of living in Los Angeles. She's someone you sit down with and immediately feel known, seen, and valued (which is such an important kind of friend to have).

So it is with so much joy that I introduce you to Bolora! In celebration of my Paris Collection, we brunched at a Parisian cafe in LA, and I interviewed her to learn about what creativity and beauty mean to her. I found her insight so inspiring, and think you will too! Enjoy the interview :)

Christine: How long have you lived in LA and how do you spend your days?

Bolora: I moved here in November 2019, so just hit my four year anniversary in Los Angeles. I'm an Art Director and currently work on Apple TV’s marketing. I care a lot about work life balance, so while career is really important to me, I also make space in my day to enjoy a cup of tea, walk my dog Disco, or catch up with friends for a happy hour. I'm a nature therapy guide, so I love to spend my weekends outside either camping or enjoying a new park. And I also love exploring my creativity and making things! 

Christine: Describe your personal style.

Bolora: My style is whatever I feel good in and makes me happy. Definitely big on British influence - frills, layers, fun collars, tiered layers, and puff sleeves. I try not to tell myself that I can't wear something, even if it's different for me or out of my comfort zone. I believe that you can pull anything off if you feel good and confident in it. I seek out unique details and unexpected elements, and love incorporating color and bold patterns into my looks. While I definitely love the girly side of fashion, I also have my outdoorsy side. I love layering overalls and a Carhartt jacket. But I would say my favorite element of fashion is accessories! They can totally transform a look. Sunglasses, fun socks, purses - and jewelry of course! 

Christine: What does creativity look like in your life? 

Bolora: Growing up I was willing to try any creative thing. But as I became an adult I felt like I had to pick a lane and funnel my creativity into one space in order to succeed. I'm starting to get out of that mindset now, and return to my childhood joy of creative exploration - be that home decor, pottery, painting, photography, printmaking, styling, etc. I find that creativity shows up when I let it out.  

Christine: What does Beauty mean to you?

Bolora: My favorite quote is by Elsie de Wolfe, and says, "I'm going to make everything around me beautiful - that will be my life." Beauty to me is a reflection of life. I find beauty in both the conventional and unconventional moments; both can feel special to me. My life doesn't need significance, but I want people to see my life and see beauty as an extension of who I am. The spaces I live in, the friendships I have, and the objects I choose to surround myself with. 

Christine: Which piece in the Paris Collection is your favorite and why?

Bolora: The Rosette was the first piece I was drawn to. The child in me is always drawn to roses. But the Sainte feels like a reflection of the confident, mature woman I'm growing into. 

Christine: In an alternate life, where would you live and what would you do?

Bolora: Definitely somewhere in Europe! Likely London, Oxford, or Copenhagen. I love these cities because they are bike friendly and have easy access to nature. And I'd be either a painter or interior designer. 


Thanks for reading this first edition in our Worn By series! Stay tuned for more :)

